Thursday, September 6, 2012

Recommended Reading For Kids From Tumaini Publishers

In this simple yet inspiring and encouraging story, the author reminds all children that with hard work, persistence, and a desire to help others, they can be anything they want to be, even the president of the United States! Click on the image or text link underneath to order this book directly from Tumaini Publishing or use this text link to order it from

This first-of-its-kind children's book captures the life of Michelle Obama through the eyes of a young girl, that aspires to be like her. Through the book we find out that there is much more to the First Lady Michelle Obama, than just a stunning outward appearance. We point out her many accomplishments, and outstanding achievements as a woman, by telling the story of her life from a young girl, to being a young woman, to becoming a wife, then a mother, and ultimately becoming the First Lady of the United States of America. This historical children’s book is definitely a must-have and a must-read for both children and parents. Click on the image or text link underneath to order this book directly from Tumaini Publishing or use this text link to order it from

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