Saturday, April 17, 2021

Living While Black (Say Their Names)

If you need to run some errands today, to ensure you get there alive, don't take public transit (Oscar Grant). If you decide to drive, remove all air fresheners from the vehicle and double-check your registration status (Daunte Wright), then make sure your license plate is visible (Lt. Caron Nazario). Be careful to follow all traffic rules (Philando Castille), signal for every turn (Sandra Bland), keep the music volume low (Jordan Davis), and don't stop for a meal at a fast food restaurant (Rayshard Brooks). You might be too afraid to pray (Rev. Clementa C. Pickney) and you better hope the car doesn't break down (Corey Jones).

While you are out and about, be sure not to dance (Elijah McClain), or stop to play in a park (Tamir Rice), or patronize the local convenience store for snacks (Trayvon Martin), or walk around the neighborhood (Mike Brown). Once you are home, don’t stand in the backyard (Stephon Clark), or eat ice cream on the couch (Botham Jean), or play any video games (Atatiana Jefferson).

Maybe you should stay home and watch a movie. Don’t leave the house to go to Walmart (John Crawford), or to the gym (Tshyrand Oates), or on a jog (Ahmaud Arbery), or for a walk to watch the birds (Christian Cooper). In fact, just sit and remember what a blessing it is to breathe (George Floyd), and definitely don’t go to sleep (Breonna Taylor).

All of these are normal things that white people don't have to think about as they live their lives from day to day (White Privilege), and it is our constitutional right to do the same (Black Lives Matter)!

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