Tuesday, January 5, 2021

DC Protest & GA Runoff

I've noticed recently that whenever #45 supporters gather in DC, everyone else is being advised to stay away. I understand this is done to avoid possible clashes between opposing sides and safety concerns, so I'm not against the precaution. But, I've also noticed that whenever BLM supporters and other activist groups gather in DC for various reasons, nothing is said advising everyone else to stay away to avoid the same.

When will America learn that we need "one" precedent that is fair and respects everyone? This notion that "some" people should actually be given the room and space to do whatever they damn well please while "other" people are not allowed to do the same is NOT going to work. Of course, it goes without saying that I will continue to pray for peace and ask God to keep a watchful eye on DC and GA for the next several days.

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