Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Message For Sandra Bullock...

Well, all I can say is welcome to the club, Sandra... there's always room for 'one more' in the black struggle for basic human dignity and rights. And BTW, I’m a big fan and I remember when you adopted your son. I even know his name, Louis Bardo Bullock, and he's absolutely adorable.

But (with all due respect), I must say that the notion of "being in a bubble with him, even if you could" is not the answer, and (quite frankly) only lends credence to the belief that #WhitePrivilege will somehow save him from what he actually is... a black male child growing up in a hostile racist country. Now, YOU will know first-hand what it's like to be the mother of a black son in America... and, what you decide to do with that knowledge can make all the difference. Make sure you educate yourself regarding all of the things you will need to tell him before he walks out the front door of your home on his own in a few more years, because the 'unspoken rules' of survival are much different for him than they are for you.

It won't be easy, living from day-to-day with the knowledge that your son could actually lose his life because of trivial things like—any move he makes (or doesn't make) being viewed as 'threatening' while black, being at the wrong place at the wrong time while black, daring to question unfair treatment while black, defending himself while black, driving while black, listening to music while black, playing outside while black, running while black, seeking help after a car accident while black, staring at someone while black, shopping while black, visiting property after buying it while black, walking down the street while black, wearing a hoodie while black, and the list goes on and on.

And, the worst part of all is getting other people to actually 'believe and hear' that your concerns and fears for him are legitimate and relevant. And, even worst still... trying to get people to understand that these kinds of things shouldn't happen to him 'just because' he's black and somehow deserves it—because THEY believe it's acceptable and normal treatment for someone they don’t think of as a human being. And, if you try to get justice for him in a court of law, HE will be put on trial rather than the person who decides his life is not worth anything and therefore, expendable.

So, Sandra… brace yourself for one of the most difficult struggles you will ever face as a mother in this country. I don’t know if you're a religious woman who is 'grounded and rooted' in faith, but you need to put on the 'full armor of God' and draw your strength from Him because you will need it. Then, put your son in His capable hands, keep him there, and NEVER stop praying for him. And finally, I hope you will forget 'the bubble' and help us make America a better place for our sons and black people in general, because #BlackLivesMatter.

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