Wednesday, October 6, 2010

An Email Call From First Lady Michelle Obama

Dear Friend,

I've always said that 2008 was an amazing journey. But nothing from that election struck me more than seeing so many giving their time and lending their voices because they were ready for change.

Two years ago, in state after state and no matter where I went, I saw grandmothers out canvassing, college kids traveling to swing states and sleeping on gymnasium floors, and people using their lunch breaks to make a few more calls. So many got involved for the very first time, each one bringing others along with them. It was inspiring to witness.

Now, Barack and I need you to help show that energy again. Because this is such a critical moment, a group of grassroots donors are ready to match any contribution you can give. Across the country, teachers, firefighters, truckers, and nurses have made pledges of support, hoping to inspire you to take the next step. Because of them, a $3.00 contribution will become $6.00. Please donate today and answer your fellow supporter's pledge to match whatever you can give.

Here's how it works:

* You choose the amount you are able to give and another supporter willing to match that amount doubles it.

* You can choose to write a note to the individual who matched your donation and tell them why you decided to own a piece of this movement.

Since the day Barack announced his plan to run for office, supporters like you have made everything we've achieved possible, and that's as true now as it was on Election Day in 2008. You're the reason we reformed a health care system that was broken, progress that means so much to so many. You're the reason we reined in Wall Street banks that were out of control.

But Barack can't keep making progress without strong allies in Congress. And now, the same people who have opposed us at every turn are targeting the folks who voted to make change real. They think we can't do it again, but they're wrong. If the folks who I saw in 2008, those of you who packed up your bags and slept on floors, made calls, and talked to voters day after day, are ready to stand with us again, then I'm ready for any challenge that lies ahead. That's why we're asking you to help grow this movement once again.

The plan for this election is based on the lessons we learned two years ago. Our organizers and volunteers are knocking on doors every weekend, making calls every night. Your support will help to fund this work. Another supporter is asking you to join them today and has pledged to match whatever you can give. Please use this link to donate $3.00 or more to help grow this movement before November 2nd:

Thank you,

Michelle Obama

1 comment:

Arlene said...

Hey Roz,

I've gotten this beautiful call to action and request for funds from Michelle (I call her by her first name because we're girlfriends and my sister prays for her husband every night!) and I have already started asking folks to think, donate and vote. As a classroom teacher of adults who rely on state and federal funding for training opportunities, she's preaching to the choir. We know we have to "press on." We understand first hand the needs of today's learners and the value of even the smallest contribution. During the Obama election a friend and I baked cookies, sold breakfasts and lunches to raise money for the campaign. All together we made a contribution of $1900. (Not much when compared to big donors but a significant amount for us.) Those small amounts add up and now that corporations can make contributions, the little guys have got to join together.

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