Sunday, August 4, 2024

❤️ His Will Be Done

Former President Jimmy Carter, who is in hospice care and is less than 2 months away from his 100th birthday, is holding out to vote for Kamala Harris for president, according to his grandson, Jason Carter, a former Georgia state senator. His son, Chip Carter, had asked if he was trying to make it to his 100th birthday and he told him, “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris.” Carter entered hospice care at his Georgia home in February 2023. He is the oldest living and longest-lived former president in U.S. history. He will turn 100 years old on October 1 and early voting in Georgia begins on October 15th.

Bless his heart. He is the first president I voted for after my 18th birthday in 1976 and I have NEVER regretted that decision. Hang in there and keep the faith, knowing GOD is in control. Sending up prayers for you and a heavenly shoutout to your wife of 77 years and Former First Lady, Rosalynn Carter (1926-2023)... 🕊

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