Wednesday, September 20, 2023

⚠️ Who Woulda Thunk It?

Yes, I read the article and highly recommend you do the same. This is why the history of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g America has done to black people and other people of color needs to be acknowledged, taught, and learned so none of it will ever be repeated.

The thread of racism runs ramped through just about everything in this country. And, let's not forget classism because the two go hand in hand. Certain people have always benefited financially by keeping the races divided. So, follow the money to see who has the most to lose if we actually come together and start working together for the common good of everyone.

THIS is and always has been America... and if I hear one more person on either side of the aisle declare "This is NOT who we are!" I'm going to scream. It's EXACTLY who we are and it's a damn shame. I'm not sure if the country knows how to function without racism and classism at this point. But, THEY better "figure it out" because it's NOT our problem to solve and we're NOT going to stand for it anymore!

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