Tuesday, February 1, 2022

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ In A Perfect America, But For Who?

I found something interesting on Pinterest last night that I decided to share on my blog today. As you can see from the scrolling GIF, the images are mock-up vintage ad posters for Facebook, Google, Instagram, Pinterest, Skype, Twitter, and YouTube. I'm sure they were intended to be a harmless and humorous look at how these media giants would have been promoted back in the day, if they actually existed many years ago.

Unfortunately, most white people will probably view the posters and see absolutely nothing wrong with them. But, for any person of color, even though we may see the same humor in the ads as white people, most of us will also notice they are lacking cultural and racial diversity. Why? Because, with the exception of the Google ad, there are absolutely no persons of color in any of them, which continues to perpetuate the false illusion that we didn't and/or don't exist in mainstream society.

Even if this oversight wasn't done on purpose, we know that it represents what some white people demand, expect, or want America to be—totally devoid of all persons of color. So, this is just one more example of how certain "patriots" refuse to understand that things like this do not accurately represent the true diversity of the country and how it actually looks. Whether you choose to acknowledge our existence or not, people of color are here and we're NOT going anywhere.

No matter how harmless and humorous the posters appear to be, they totally ignore that reality and this way of thinking needs to change if we're ever going to exist together in peace. A country divided by culture, politics, race, religion, etc. will not stand and America is no exception to that rule. We must learn how to accept one another and reject the negative forces that divide us, or we will have no future. Period.

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