Thursday, August 19, 2021

😂 Dear Dr. Rick

Yes, I guess I am guilty of becoming my parents in some ways. I ask for discounts when something isn't right, can't pronounce the word Quinoa either, go to the bathroom before I leave the house so I don't get in distress later, have signs on my walls like "Live Laugh Love" for inspiration, have throw pillows on the sofa but there is still enough room to sit down, make strange noises for a reason when I get up and sit down, pack snacks for trips rather than buy them sometimes, text with my index finger and not my thumbs, and write checks on rare occasions when necessary. But, in my defense, I don't apply medicinal creams and ointments in public, read billboards outloud in the car, or tell the grillmaster how to prepare the food because I'm too busy eating it. I also know how to open a PDF and what the subscribe button on your YouTube videos mean. Watching my parents taught me several things about life that I've tried to balance with being my own person, but I love the Progressive commercials you've done just the same. LOL!

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