Monday, August 31, 2020

BLM Peaceful Protest in Philly

Here's a glimpse of a #BlackLivesMatter march that came through our neighborhood yesterday. I'm so proud of all these young people from SJU marching together and carrying the torch for racial change in America. It helps to restore my faith and hope in a better tomorrow. We were not afraid of them, nor did we "fear for our lives". They chanted their message clear and loud, and kept it moving. This is what peaceful protest looks like and it's their constitutional right to assemble and do it--regardless of what #45 and his supporters think, and NOBODY needs their permission. 

At this point, anyone who can't understand that people are marching so that black people can have the same basic human dignity and rights to breathe, live, and thrive just like they are allowed to do without question, doesn't want to understand. But, it doesn't stop here... all of the change we need is massive because the racial injustice in this country has been allowed to continue for far too long. So, from the bottom to the top, it's time to clean house and throw out the trash! #VoteByAnyMeansNecessary 

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