Sunday, August 2, 2020

Caroline's Cart

Please forgive me, but moms are hard to give up and let go of, so it's gonna take me a minute to get over the loss. 

I want to give a shout out to two people I will probably never cross paths with or have the pleasure of meeting, David and Drew Ann Long, for giving the world 'Caroline's Cart'. It's a shopping cart created for special needs children and offers parents and caregivers a viable option to transport older children through a store while shopping, without the impossible task of maneuvering a wheelchair and a traditional shopping cart at the same time—and, it's named after their special needs daughter, Caroline.

Target has some of these carts and they were offered to me several times to transport my mom around the store when she was in the beginning stages of loosing the mobility in her legs, and it was a Godsend. So, the cart can be used by caregivers who are shopping with aging parents as well. On our way home from karate class yesterday, we stopped in Target and I saw the cart as I was entering the store for the first time in a few months. It reminded me of mom, so I took a few pics and wanted to share how grateful I am that someone thought of it because it really made our shopping trips a lot easier to manage too.

Thank you so much, David & Drew Ann!

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