Thursday, May 28, 2020

Kneeling in America

Two men are kneeling, but America only has a problem with the one of the left, Colin Kaepernick, who is peacefully protesting what the one on the right, Derek Chauvin, is doing--cops murdering unarmed black people without just cause or provocation. As an American citizen, Colin is exercising his constitutional right to protest the atrocities that are committed every single day against black people at the hands of the police in this country, while Derek is making a cold-blooded and conscious decision to end the life of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, whose life didn't matter and he was deemed unworthy to live.

Dylan Roof, who is white and privileged because of it, wasn't treated this way when he was apprehended and he murdered 9 black people in a church! Something tells me if his victims had been white, the narrative would have been different--but, that's another post for another day. The point is, his life mattered so he was taken into custody alive and the arresting cops had the nerve to buy him some food from Burger King afterward because HE was hungry. I guess I would be hungry too after a murder-spree of that magnitude. Are you serious? I am beyond outraged and Derek Chauvin should be charged with murder!

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