Sunday, October 2, 2016

BLM: Articles of the Day - Part 1

I know there are more stories like this one and if we can get the bad cops off the streets, perhaps there will be more room for them to come shining through. And, for the umteenth time, #BlackLivesMatter and similar protests are NOT anti-cop, as they are often times erroneously labeled. They are ANTI-BAD COP and if you can't acknowledge bad cops exist, then you're part of the problem because there is good and bad in EVERYTHING.

But, for now, let's SHINE A LIGHT on the GOOD COPS in this article, and continue to pray for a higher level of understanding on both sides so God's peace can be seen and finally prevail over this issue. Click on the image or text link underneath to read the article.

Speaking in front of a group of 2,100 AT&T employees at a conference in Dallas, TX on September 23, 2016, Randall Stephenson encouraged open and honest dialogue on race.

Kudos to this CEO who actually knows what time it is, and I'm standing and applauding! It's time to start talking about this, no matter how uncomfortable it makes us feel, so we can get through it, over it, and on toward making America live up its claim of "freedom and justice for all". Click on the image or text link underneath to read about his speech. 

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