Monday, November 25, 2013

⏰ Quality Time w/ The Grands

Day 1 - Saturday

Me and the hubby had our grandson and youngest granddaughter over for a sleepover this weekend. We didn't plan an outing this time and just chilled at the house for the day. For one thing, Grammy and Pop-Pop also had a great-but-late dinner and movie date night with the Marriage Ministry of our church Friday evening. But, I'd like to think we made the most of our day indoors with them, just the same. One thing I did plan on doing was introducing them to one of my all-time favorite books from childhood, 'The Mouse & The Motorcycle' by Beverly Clearly. I read that book during my elementary school years until the cover fell off! I didn't know until recently that Beverly did two follow-up books, 'Runaway Ralph' and 'Ralph S. Mouse'. I also didn't know that mini-movies were done for all three books. I found out about all of this a month ago on the internet when I stumbled across a read-along 3-disc DVD set by Scholastic called 'The Ralph Mouse Collection'. I ordered it with much enthusiasm and had it ready for the next time they came to visit. It was big hit with my grandson in particular, because my granddaughter is still too young to appreciate it. And unfortunately, oldest granddaughter missed it because she was having a weekend sleepover with her godmother. But, I'm going to make sure she has an opportunity to see it too. We made some popcorn and enjoyed all 3 discs back-to-back, which also gave me the opportunity to enjoy the two follow-up stories for the first time. 

Day 2 - Sunday

The rest of the sleepover went well too. Me and the hubby got up, cooked breakfast, got everybody ready, and made it out to church. The kids were pretty good during the service so after it was over, we took them to Ruby's Diner in Ardmore, PA for lunch. Since all of their restaurants have trains running along the ceiling, it was the perfect spot to eat. We took them back home when lunch was over, and my oldest granddaughter returned home shortly after them from the sleepover she had with her godmother.

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