Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Boris Kodjoe... 'Nuff Said!

I can't wait to check out this new NBC TV show, which will premiere on Wednesday, September 22nd @ 8:00pm (EST)! From the numerous previews I've seen at the movies all summer, it looks like it's going to be pretty good. Let's support this show and push the ratings over the top! Check out the official website, recommend it to your friends, "Like" it on Facebook, follow it on Twitter, blog about it, whatever... just spread the word! Y'all know the drill...


Arlene said...

Boris is a cutie and I'll watch just to see his gorgeous eyes! (He played the role of Teacake in "Their Eyes Were Watching God" and was absolutely fabulous.) I hope the stories are well written so the show can stay for the season. Last night I watched "The Event" and "Hawaii 5-0." I was surprised by so many "shoot'em up" scenes. I'm not sure what the EVENT is. All that flipping backand forth with the time periods was distracting. But Blair Underwood is another cutie worth watching.

Lady (Bug) / Grammy said...

@ Arlene:

I have to catch "The Event" next week and I think Keith forgot about "Hawaii 5-0." He found out about a month ago that they were going to air a "revamped" version of the series and was worried as to whether or not it was going to be done right-LOL!

Lady (Bug) / Grammy said...

I really enjoyed the show... can't wait for the next episode!

Watch your step!

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