Wednesday, April 19, 2023

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Shame On You America

I'm sorry. No, I'm not sorry. I'M OUTRAGED.

God willing, I will be celebrating my 65th birthday later this year. Over the course of my life, I cannot tell you how many times I've approached (and once got into) the wrong car or rang the wrong doorbell. I don't drive but many times, my family members or friends have used someone's driveway to make a u-turn when we were lost and trying to get somewhere we've never been before. I took for granted these "things happen" and it was no big deal.

Sadly, it never occurred to me that honest mistakes of that nature could have cost me and my friends or loved ones our lives until now. We've also been on the opposite end of these scenarios and it never crossed our minds to pull out a gun and shoot someone who is in need of directions, help, or a simple answer to a simple question because they are momentarily confused or lost.

What the hell is wrong with people? There are too many guns, too many shootings, and not enough accountability or responsibility. Our government needs to put political differences aside and address gun violence before it's too late and we're totally consumed by it. In the meantime, while we hold our breath waiting for that to happen, God help us!

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