Saturday, February 4, 2023

🤔 Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

At Spirro’s exclusive restaurant, there is no electric lighting, no music, and no menu. The only sound you will hear is the contented sighs of "members only" who dine there every night, hoping that Spirro will treat them to the specialty of the house, Lamb Amirstan. It's a delicacy that can't be found anywhere else in the world and the taste is indescribably delicious. In fact, the main ingredient is so rare, only Spirro knows exactly how and when to acquire it. But, one curious and loyal diner at this spectacular restaurant from a forgotten era will quickly discover the ultimate "lifetime membership" status he wants so badly is also the price he will pay for his love of Lamb Amirstan and a spot for his portrait on the wall in the dining room.

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As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord...

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  • I guard my online relationships.
  • I am careful to visit websites that do not compromise my life in Christ.
  • I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life.
  • I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life.
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Household Humor, Rules, and Membership

Deviant Art: "Cho & The Ladybug" By Cypherx

Virgo Rules in This Household!