Sunday, December 5, 2021

Candle Litany For Loved Ones

Lighting candles has long been a part of meditational and spiritual practices around the world that is embraced by many different cultures and religions. The lighting of candles provides patterns, personal prayer, and remembrance by using light, an ancient and universal symbol for GOD. It can be a powerful ritual for healing. Below is a litany for such an occasion, which was adapted from "Healing Liturgies For The Seasons of Life" by Abigail Rian Evans. 

🕯️ We Light A Candle... For the HOPE, dreams, and plans we shared with those precious to us; for the hope and trust we place in the power to continue loving those whom we have lost in death; for the hopes our loved ones carried within their hearts and spirits; for the hope that brings forth in us a confidence to love others now without regrets; for the hope and desire to look forward to the next stage of loving anew those who are close to us.

🕯️ We Light A Candle... For all the JOY that gave birth to so many positive moments, days, and years; for the joy that our loved ones experienced during their time here on earth; for the joy and smiles those near to our hearts gave and received; for the joy that flowed from the accomplishments our loved ones performed and witnessed; for the joy that gave encouragement to those who would follow in their footsteps.

🕯️ We Light A Candle... For the LOVE that we have shared with those precious to us; for the love that flows deep within us that will never end; for the love that has lived through the changing times and events; for the love that lifts up our spirits and our hearts.

🕯️ We Light A Candle... For the MEMORIES of the gatherings, holidays, and special occasions; for the memories of smells, sounds, and meals together that satisfied far more than our appetites; for the memories of times together that reminded us of what it means to be human; for the memories of faces and voices that are records of our journey together with others; for the memories of the people who not only gave us gifts, but who were truly gifts to us.

🕯️ We Light A Candle... For the PEACE that we want for our loved ones and for ourselves; for the peace that is even deeper than our words and feelings can express; for the peace that focuses us for now and helps us to claim our place in the world; for the peace that joins time and eternity in an eternal song of love; for the peace that helps to heal the distance that separates us from each other.

🕯️ We Light A Candle... For the STRENGTH that comes from deep within us and sustains us; for the strength that empowers us to live each moment and each day to its fullest; for the strength that encourages us to live one day at a time without regrets; for the strength that allows forgiveness to heal the unfinished parts of our relationships; for the strength that allows us to remember those who have left their imprints on our hearts.

🕯️ We Light A Candle... For the TEARS that flow from our eyes at a moment’s notice; for the silent tears that arrive for no apparent reason, and those that no one else sees or hears; for the tears of joy as we remember jokes and stories we have shared with our loved ones; for the tears that point us toward our true feelings and root us in time and eternity’s deepest truths; for tears that signal an inner release, a new freedom, and a relief shared with those we mourn.

GOD, we light these candles in celebration and remembrance for the lives of those we love and honor. Comfort those of us who mourn, strengthen those who are weak, restore our faith wherever there is doubt, and heal us by Your grace. You know what each of us needs and we ask You to provide that for us. Amen.

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