Saturday, May 8, 2021

💗 Mom Challenge

* I’m still your mom... When you no longer listen to me or care what I say.
* I’m still your mom... When you decide I’m old fashioned and want to go your own way.
* I’m still your mom... When you complain, talk back, and we argue.
* I’m still your mom... When you figure you know more than I do.
* I’m still your mom... When you move away and take a piece of my heart with you.
* I’m still your mom... And, I'll always love you as much as the first day I held you in my arms.
* I’m still your mom... And, I'll always pray for you and make sure your wings are strong enough to fly.
* I’m still your mom... And, I'll always want what’s best for you and will sacrifice my plans for yours.
* I’m still your mom... And, I’ll always have room for you and a hug to welcome you.
* I’m still your mom... And, I’ll always carry your love with me until my very last breath.
* I'm still your mom... And, I thank GOD every day for the joy and privilege it’s been to be called your mom.

Now, I challenge every mom to post the text with a picture of your child(ren). The photo in this post is me and my daughter in 1981!

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