Wednesday, February 17, 2021

First Amendment Misunderstood

This is Tim Boyd, Ex-Mayor of Colorado City, TX...

When are U.S. citizens who want to scream the loudest about "freedom of speech" going to learn that they DON'T have freedom from the consequences of their speech. My heart and prayers go out to the citizens of Colorado City, TX who had to read Tim Boyd's initial rant about them, the power outages, and frigid temperatures they are suffering through because of the recent snow storm. No one should have to be subjected to words like this while going through a state of emergency, and whether he was a citizen or ex-mayor when he wrote it is totally irrelevant to me.

2 controversial social media posts by Tim Boyd...

I don't even live in Colorado City and I'm furious. I also have a problem with people who feel as though they can say anything they want to you but when you answer them back (which they don't expect, most of the time), they can't handle it. The man's first sentence was, "Let me hurt some feelings while I have a minute!" Again, Tim... you DON'T have freedom from the consequences of what you wrote. And, if you want to talk about how people are raised... most of us are taught to "think before we speak" and that's what you should have done!

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