Tuesday, March 17, 2020

💜 #ILoveSomeoneWithDementia

 For all those who have or had family members and/or friends that suffer or suffered with Dementia... 

 Someone once said when you love someone with dementia, you lose them twice—once when they are diagnosed and again when they die. This is called Ambiguous Loss, which is a type of loss you feel when a person with dementia is physically here, but may not be present emotionally or mentally in the same way they were before.

I wouldn't wish dementia on anyone. As the disease progresses, brain function will decrease and the patient will forget their loved ones over time. They can eventually become bedridden and unable to drink, eat, or move.There will be people who will scroll by this message because dementia has not touched them yet. They may not know what it's like to have a loved one who is fighting or has fought a battle against dementia.

In an effort to raise awareness for this cruel disease, please share this information so others can know and understand it too. Thank you!

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