Friday, December 20, 2019

The Lord Will Guide Your Way

Have you ever been falsely accused or lied about? If you want to turn your heart around, pray this prayer...

🙏🏾 Dear Loving God, thank you for another day of life. Today, I seek a change of heart. I was wrongfully blamed for something and it weighs heavily on my heart. Today, I seek a change of heart. I suffer from my hardness. Please change me Lord. I know that only You can do this. Amen.

If you are ready to speak the truth as graciously as possible, pray this prayer...

🙏🏾 Dear Lord, has it come to this? Is there any chance at all? Or is all hope lost? Please show me Lord, once again as you have in days past. Show me Lord Your power and Your glory. May Your Spirit fill my spirit. Let me rise up again and be strong in Christ, for I know all control is Yours alone. Amen.

If you’re looking for a prayer that focused on the Lord, not on you or your accusers, turn to this simple prayer...

🙏🏾 Dear Lord, let the truth come out and let Your will be done. I pray that I keep my focus on you and you alone. Amen.

If you are open and ready to pray for the person who accused you, pray this simple prayer...

🙏🏾 Dear God, if I hurt others, give me strength to apologize. If people hurt me, give me strength to forgive. Amen.

If you’re ready to fight against becoming a victim, pray this prayer...

🙏🏾 Dear Lord, today I feel weary and worn. I want to obey You but I have clung desperately to hope and still feel hopeless. Please strengthen my heart today, renew Your vision for my life and the joy of my salvation. I fix my eyes on You and look to You alone for my help, my hope, my strength and my deliverance. Amen.

If you’re ready for God to help you find security and freedom in Him alone, turn to this prayer...

🙏🏾 Heavenly Father, I may not understand why some people do the things they do or how everything will work out, but I trust You. I don’t see a way, but I know You will make a way. I have faith at this very moment You are touching hearts, opening doors and lining up the right breaks and opportunities. Things may look dark and bleak now, but I have faith that my dawn is coming. Amen.

No matter what others say about us falsely, we can rely on God’s Word and trust that God will be beside us to get us through every trial.

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