Saturday, April 28, 2018

EJI Legacy Museum & National Memorial (Part 1)

The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) Legacy Museum & National Memorial For Peace & Justice finally opened on April 26, 2018 in Montgomery, AL. For those who are interested, you are invited to click on the image to visit the website for more information. Further, you are encouraged to click on the text link underneath the image to read an interesting article following the opening of the same.

For the record, I read the article and feel that the insensitive comments of the Alabama residents who take offense to the museum and memorial are typical of people who have a racist mindset. The comments are all spoken like someone who never had a loved one dragged off in the middle of the night and hung from a tree--and, many times, because of a lie that was told against the victim or no justifiable reason at all.

As far as this blogger is concerned, I think you know what they can do with their comments and they really need to get over themselves. The museum and memorial are open, period. Deal with it... just like the families of all the victims had to deal with never seeing their loved ones alive again. Unbelieveable!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Thank You, James!

During his CNN interview, James talked about his injuries, like the burns he received from grabbing the rifle, but didn't realize it because he was in the moment. He inquired about the other hospitalized victims and visited them. He is an extraordinary young man and a hero who did what he had to do to save the lives of others and himself because he has a lot to live for too. He didn't have to do what he did, but God is good. He had his back through the struggle and may He continue to bless him in the days to come as he recovers...

Thursday, April 26, 2018

April Is Autism Awareness Month

It's still on the rise, up from 1-in-68 in 2016

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

❤️ #IKnowSomeoneWithAlzheimers

Repost as a reminder if you are a caregiver for a loved one or know someone who has it and can no longer tell you what they need, then just do what it says...

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sunday @ UCMCA

Worship Service & Birthday Celebration For  
My Son-In-Law & Granddaughters 

My grandchildren were asked to sing again during the worship service!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Birthday Get Together For My Mom

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Pumpkin Pie!

While we were celebrating my mom's birthday, my grandson demonstrated his recently acquired skill with Rubik's Cube for his mom. He said he studied it and figured out the algorithm. When RC first appeared many years ago, it took me two agonizing months to solve it and I kept it--but, I never touched it again because it actually gave me a headache. At the time, I didn't know an algorithm from a hole in the wall, but my grandson does and he can solve it in 1.5 minutes!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

My Mother Was Born Today!

Lord, thank you for blessing my mom to see another birthday. I pray you will continue to keep her in your care and watch over her so she will see many more birthdays. Amen. I love you, Mom! 💜

Thursday, April 19, 2018

PBG Alert: "Just Like Me" Scholarship!

Pretty Brown Girl is pleased to introduce the 2018 "Just Like Me" Scholarship. There will be a minimum of 3 winners, each receiving $1,000 towards their college tuition, books, etc. Click on the image or use the text link to visit the PBG website for more information regarding application deadline, eligibility criteria, and rules before applying. Time is of the essence, so don't procrastinate and apply ASAP!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Starbucks: Racial-Bias Education?

Starbucks to Close 8,000 Stores For Racial-Bias
Education on May 29th After Arrest of Two Black Men

Monday, April 16, 2018

Happy 6th Birthday to My Granddaughter!

I can't believe how quickly the years have gone by, how much you have grown, and how far God has brought you on your journey. I'm so proud of you and I can't wait to see all of the things He has in store for you. Grammy loves you and He loves you best!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Eagles Huddle Up @ The Linc!

Sunday, April 15, 2018
Lincoln Field - Philadelphia, PA
Photo w/ Eagles Kicker Jake Elliott

Thursday, April 12, 2018

📬 Jacquie Lawson E-Card #1

Beautiful butterflies and a floral surprise. Click on the image or text link underneath, then turn on your speakers to watch this beautiful presentation unfold before your eyes. Thank you, JBS!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Meme of the Day

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

PA Conference For Women 2018

Michelle Obama was a keynote speaker last year!
Wonder who it will be this year? #Philly

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

R.I.P. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I can't believe it's been 50 years. I was 9 years old, in the
4th grade, and old enough to remember what happened...

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Monday, April 2, 2018

World Autism Awareness Day


April is Autism Awareness Month and buildings, monuments, etc. will
'Light It Up Blue' all over the world for Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd!

Watch your step!

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As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord...

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April is World Autism Awareness Month!

On Newsstands Now... Get copies while supplies last!

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Thank you President Obama for 8 great years!

Household Humor, Rules, and Membership

Deviant Art: "Cho & The Ladybug" By Cypherx

Virgo Rules in This Household!