Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Mighty Girl: Women's Empowerment Initiative

"It was never a dress" reads a poster by Arizona-based software company Axosoft that turns the classic triangular female symbol into a representation of mighty women everywhere! The #ItWasNeverADress project was created as part of a women empowerment initiative that the company described on their website as follows:

"It Was Never a Dress is an invitation to shift perceptions and assumptions about women and the audacious, sensitive, and powerful gestures they make every single day. In science, technology, arts, mathematics, politics, houses of worship, on the streets, and in our homes, insightful women are often uninvited, overlooked, or just plain dismissed. Through storytelling, community building, innovation and creative disruptions, It Was Never a Dress will foster necessary conversations, vital voices, and images from around the world that honor ALL women. When we see women differently, we see the world differently! Stay tuned and keep disrupting."

Kudos to Axosoft for showing a new side of a classic symbol!

For a fantastic Wonder Woman Caped T-shirt that will make you feel like a superhero everywhere you go, check out our Caped T-shirt collection for teens and adults.

For a caped t-shirt for young Mighty Girls, we recommend the Wonder Woman Caped Children's T-shirt, available in sizes 2T to 5T.

There is also a caped Wonder Woman Romper for babies 6 to 24 months and a Wonder Woman Infant Caped Sleeper for newborn to 12 months.

For more empowering depictions of strong and courageous female superheroes in toys, costumes, t-shirts, and books, visit A Mighty Girl's "Superhero Collection".

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