Friday, March 31, 2017

Quote of the Day

April is World Autism Awareness Month
April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Let's show this 'Little Lady' some love and support her cause to bring a smile to the faces of foster children. A'Layah and her brother, Elijah, were foster children and God blessed them to find adoptive parents. Now, A'Layah (despite her young age) wants to spread the love she has received to children who are still in the foster care system. She has been featured on the news several times recently and word is spreading fast about her 'Lemonade For Love' initiative. Please take the time to click on the 'See More' link, read her story, share her story, and support her efforts. You can also like and follow her page on Facebook!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

4 Warning Signs of Human Trafficking


Mom Evades Human Traffickers in IKEA After Noticing 4 Warning Signs
After you read her story, share it with a loved one to help keep kids safe!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Emmett Till Painting Controversy

#MuseumsSoWhite: Black Pain & Why Painting Emmett Till Matters
"How She Sent Him and How She Got Him Back" by Lisa Whittington

Monday, March 27, 2017

Eagles Huddle Up @ The Linc!

Sunday, March 26, 2017
Lincoln Field - Philadelphia, PA
Photo w/ Eagles Cornerback Ron Brooks

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Future of Amazon

Amazon, The World's Most Remarkable Firm Is Just Getting Started
It has potential to meet investors expectations, but success will be problematic.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Tie That Binds & Won't Let Go

The Long, Twisted, and Bizarre History of The Trump-Russia Scandal
Does President Trump have ties to Russia? Only his hairdresser knows for sure!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Today Is My Hubby's Birthday...

Happy Birthday, Luvy!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Meme of the Day


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Let The Countdown Begin...

Each April 2nd, Autism Speaks celebrates the start of its signature campaign, Light It Up Blue, along with the international autism community in recognition of the United Nations sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day and April as World Autism Awareness Month.

Thousands of iconic landmarks and buildings join the hundreds of thousands of homes and communities around the world to “shine a blue light” in support of people living with autism. Autism-friendly events and educational activities take place all month to increase understanding, acceptance, and further support people with autism. Click on the image or text link underneath for more information about how you can participate and show your support. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

R.I.P. Chuck! #JohnnyBGood

Click on the image to read about his life and the text link underneath to read about his death. He was a little before my time, but I know who he was because he was in heavy rotation on the turntable growing up in my house--along with Bo Diddley and Ike Turner. My parents loved him, so I'm posting this for them. My dad is deceased, but I told my mom and she was just heartbroken. So, R.I.P. Chuck from one of your biggest fans, my mom! 💔

Friday, March 17, 2017

I Am Not Your Negro / Know Your Baldwin

In this short video, a host of Black celebrities shared brief commentaries in support of 'I Am Not Your Negro', an American documentary film that was released in select theaters on February 3, 2017. It is based on James Baldwin's unfinished manuscript 'Remember This House'. 

Directed by Raoul Peck and narrated by actor Samuel L. Jackson, the film explores the history of racism in the United States through Baldwin's reminiscences of civil rights leaders Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr. It received an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary Feature at the 89th Academy Awards this year. 

After you watch the video, click on the text link above to visit the movie website for more information about the documentary and James Baldwin.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Truth Crushed to the Earth Shall Rise Again! #DarrenWilsonLied

Everything You Think You Know About The Death of
Michael Brown Is Wrong & The Man Who Killed Him Admits It
Click on the image or text link underneath, if YOU believed him!

📣 Share & Spread The Word!

Fed Up? Enough Already! Let's Get This Done!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Congratulations, Jordan! YGB!

Jordan Peele Just Became The First Black Director-Writer
With A $100M Debut For His First Movie Release "Get Out"

A Mighty Girl: Women's Empowerment Initiative

"It was never a dress" reads a poster by Arizona-based software company Axosoft that turns the classic triangular female symbol into a representation of mighty women everywhere! The #ItWasNeverADress project was created as part of a women empowerment initiative that the company described on their website as follows:

"It Was Never a Dress is an invitation to shift perceptions and assumptions about women and the audacious, sensitive, and powerful gestures they make every single day. In science, technology, arts, mathematics, politics, houses of worship, on the streets, and in our homes, insightful women are often uninvited, overlooked, or just plain dismissed. Through storytelling, community building, innovation and creative disruptions, It Was Never a Dress will foster necessary conversations, vital voices, and images from around the world that honor ALL women. When we see women differently, we see the world differently! Stay tuned and keep disrupting."

Kudos to Axosoft for showing a new side of a classic symbol!

For a fantastic Wonder Woman Caped T-shirt that will make you feel like a superhero everywhere you go, check out our Caped T-shirt collection for teens and adults.

For a caped t-shirt for young Mighty Girls, we recommend the Wonder Woman Caped Children's T-shirt, available in sizes 2T to 5T.

There is also a caped Wonder Woman Romper for babies 6 to 24 months and a Wonder Woman Infant Caped Sleeper for newborn to 12 months.

For more empowering depictions of strong and courageous female superheroes in toys, costumes, t-shirts, and books, visit A Mighty Girl's "Superhero Collection".

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Note to Kellyanne Conway...

Do you have any brain cells left in your head?
Perhaps, you've been 2 close 2 microwaves 2 long!
If you don't know this is about, click on the image. LOL!


Philly: 8-12 inches? We're gonna need them when this is over!

Monday, March 13, 2017

3rd Annual Weather Education Day in Philly!

Attention Philly Parents, Schools, and Teachers! Do you have children who are curious and interested in learning more about the weather and meteorology? If so, make sure they attend and participate in this annual one-day event at Citizens Bank Park on Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 9:30-11:30am. Also, they have the option to stay and watch the Phillies vs. Mariners game at 1:05pm. 

This initiative was started by Glenn 'Hurricane' Schwartz and the NBC-10 First Alert Weather Team in 2015 to get more children interested in meteorology. Click on the image for more details about cost, group discounts, and registration. Then, share this information so other children can attend and participate too. Approximately 11,000 students attended WED in 2016!

Just When You Thought Winter Was Over...

Monday 03/13 (8:00pm) to Tuesday 03/14 (8:00pm)
Click on image or text link underneath for more information!


Do you remember the snow storm on March 14, 1993?
Well, Philly could get 8-12 inches of snow on March 14, 2017!
Click on the image or text link underneath for more information.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Quote of the Day

This will be my mantra from this day forward!

Great News For Samsung Galaxy Note Series Users!

If you love the Galaxy Note series smartphones, you'll be happy to know
that a better, safer, and very innovative Galaxy Note 8 is coming soon!
Click on the image or text link underneath for more information.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

It's Time To Spring Forward Again!



Congress is on a fast track to repeal major portions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) impacting people with disabilities and to make drastic cuts to the Medicaid program. The level of cuts over time would decimate the Medicaid program.

When will this happen? It's happening now. The House of Representatives is moving quickly to push for a vote by the end of March. The Senate is planning to vote on the House bill before the mid-April recess.

People’s health, services, and lives are at stake. We urgently need advocates to reach out to their Senators and Representatives and tell them to keep ACA provisions impacting people with disabilities and to protect Medicaid. Advocates need to explain why the ACA and Medicaid are essential to people with disabilities and their families. 


Medicaid is a jointly funded program with matching state and federal funds. Under a Medicaid per capita cap, the federal government would set a limit on how much to reimburse states based on enrollment in the Medicaid program. Unlike current law, funding would not be based on the actual cost of providing services. Much like the proposed block grants, the intent of the per capita caps is to restructure the program and save the federal government money. States could lose an estimated $370 billion in Medicaid funding over a ten year period. The negative impacts to Medicaid recipients could include:

Losing other critical services such as personal care, mental health, prescription drugs, and rehabilitative services. If funds become scarcer, states may decide to stop providing these services altogether. Shifting the costs to individuals or family members to make up for the federal cuts. The costs of providing health care and long term services and supports will not go away, but will be shifted to individuals, parents, states, and providers. Waiting lists will quickly grow.

TAKE ACTION: Call your Senators and Representatives today 202-224-3121. Now is the time for ACTION; remember every call matters! Don’t let Congress take away critical services for millions of people and replace it with a plan that cuts Medicaid and eliminates protections for people with disabilities. 

WHAT TO SAY: (1) I am your constituent. (2) I am a person with a disability or I am a family member of someone with a disability or I am a professional in the disability field. (3) I care deeply about this issue. (4) Do not allow restructuring and cuts to Medicaid to be part of an ACA replacement.

Please take a minute to share this information so others who are affected can know about it and take action too.

Friday, March 10, 2017

#AllHailTheKing #KingKong #TheKingIsBack

Opening in theaters March 10, 2017. Click on the image
or text link underneath to visit the website and watch trailer. It's
about time for another King Kong Vs. Godzilla movie too. Rematch!

Faith Is The Belief In Things Unseen

When tragedy strikes three families, their destiny forces them on a converging path to discover God’s love, grace, and mercy as the challenges of their fate could also resurrect their beliefs. Release date to be announced. Click on the image or text link underneath to visit the website for more information and watch the trailer.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

For Every Mom: Race Relations & Relationships

"I thought I was prepared to marry a black man, but I had NO idea." She was told that things would be harder and she responded, things would be great. But, the woman she is now looks back and wishes she had understood what 'things would be harder' meant. Click on the image or text link underneath to read her story.


"I’m white, but I married the son of a black history icon and this is what I discovered about color." She went from a white girl with next to no knowledge of diversity to a woman wed into a prominent black civil rights family. Here’s what she learned along the way. Click on the image or text link underneath to read her story.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Remember The Time...

52nd & Market Streets, Philadelphia, PA
1970s painting by Robert Farmer

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Wait... What? Dr. Seuss Was A Racist?

The Racist History of Dr. Seuss & What It Means in
Today's Social, Political & Educational Context

These Kids Made Flyers to Protest 'Dr. Seuss Week' at School
Rockett & Zoe Wanted Classmates to Know He Was Kind of Racist

Monday, March 6, 2017

Driven To Distraction: Resist & Stay Woke!

In case anyone got overly sidetracked by the Russian spy drama, the following bills have been introduced: 

1. HR 861 Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency 
2. HR 610 Vouchers for Public Education
3. HR 899 Tax Dollars For Private Schools
4. HJR 69 Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife
5. HR 370 Repeal Affordable Care Act
6. HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood
7. HR 785 National Right-to-Work Legislation
8. HR 83 Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Act
9. HR 147 Criminalizing Abortion

Please call 202-224-3121, ask for your member of Congress, and tell them not only to vote NO to these bills, but to speak up for our health, rights, safety, and this country. Then, help spread the word about this by sharing the information across all forms of social media as quickly as you can. Thank you!

Share If You Can't Either! LOL!

Click on image for a larger laugh and view!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The 'Mother' of All Feuds!

Bette Davis (Susan Sarandon) and Joan Crawford (Jessica Lange) were admired and loved by legions of fans, but it was a well-known fact that the two of them couldn't stand each other! This new FX-TV series, which premieres Sunday, March 5th, 10:00pm (ET), is something you don't want to miss. It will feature feuds, rivalries, etc. between other famous people too. Click on the image or text link underneath to visit the website for more details, interviews, and previews about the show!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Quote of the Day

Now playing in theaters. Click on the image or text link underneath to visit the official movie website for more details and watch the trailer! Also, Octavia Spencer will host SNL this evening @ 11:30pm (ET) on NBC! 2TU! YGG!

You're Never Too Young To Read

19 Month Old Baby Boy Reading Flash Cards!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Quote of the Day

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Women Rock, Women Roll & Women Rule

In honor of National Women's History Month, here are some of the TV shows that had confident, progressive, and strong female lead characters who were admired and they inspired many young girls. Julia (Diahann Carroll 1968-1971), The Doris Day Show (1968-1973), The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970-1977), and That Girl (Marlo Thomas, 1966-1971). This is only a few and by no means represents all of the memorable female characters who influenced us over the years--but, thank you ladies!

One Person Can Make A Difference

This is a local story in honor of National Women's History Month. With passion, patience, and perserverence, Principal Linda Cliatt-Wayman rescued Strawberry Mansion High School in Philadelphia, PA--which was considered one of the most dangerous schools in the country. Watch the video and share her incredible story of resilience and transformation.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Did You Know March Is National Women's History Month?

Here are the 2017 NWHM Nominees!
Join in the celebration. Click on the image or this link for more details.
Congratulations, thank you, and we appreciate you, Ladies!

God Bless You, Harry!

Watch your step!

This household is protected by Ladybug Home Security.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord...

Christian Internet Code of Ethics

As a Christian who is active on the internet,
I hold myself to certain standards of conduct:

  • I guard my online relationships.
  • I am careful to visit websites that do not compromise my life in Christ.
  • I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life.
  • I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life.
Visit the home page to view a more detailed version:

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April is World Autism Awareness Month!

On Newsstands Now... Get copies while supplies last!

Now Playing... The Booga Wooga on YouTube!

Proud member of OSP Group on Facebook!

Follow The Lady (Bug) on Good Reads!

Follow The Lady (Bug) on Pinterest!

Thank you President Obama for 8 great years!

Household Humor, Rules, and Membership

Deviant Art: "Cho & The Ladybug" By Cypherx

Virgo Rules in This Household!