Saturday, September 24, 2016

How Police Shootings Affect Black Children

TULSA WORLD: Rebecca Lee, Literary Coach  & Writing Teacher

For the school community at KIPP Tulsa College Prep, the death of Terence Crutcher is personal. Crutcher was the father of a KIPP Tulsa student and relative of nearly 10 other students and employees in this small middle school of only 300 students. The officer who shot and killed him, Betty Shelby, was charged with first degree manslaughter, arrested, and released on $50,000 bail. 

I'm sure the charge and arrest has given Crutcher's family and friends some degree of hope that justice will prevail--but, the officer should have been charged with first degree murder and it's far too often the case that officers are NOT convicted for these racially motivated shootings. 

Click on the image or text link underneath to read the article about one teacher at the school, Rebecca Lee, who is trying to help her students cope, grieve, and process this senseless tragedy, as well as other 'far too frequent' police shootings based on race.

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