Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"Dream Away On The Goodship Lollipop!"

"Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits loop the loop! Gosh, oh gee but I have fun, swallowing animals one by one!"

My mom bought this album for me 51 years ago when I was 5 years old so technically, I guess it's the first LP I ever owned. I played the grooves off of it on my phonograph and learned the lyrics to every single song. I still have the album, and I even found a collection of these adorable songs on CD when I became an adult. I never forgot my early days listening to this record or the words to the songs. I also spent many an Easter Sunday sportin' Shirley Temple curls to church. I've always had a warm spot in my heart for "the little girl", which is what my mom said I used to call her before I learned her name. Thanks for the memories, Shirley. You will be greatly missed, but the body of work you left behind will keep you alive in our hearts and minds forever.

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Deviant Art: "Cho & The Ladybug" By Cypherx

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