Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hi Luvy! *

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

I wanted YOU to be the first to know that, for once (although, I know it has been more times than that), I actually did something that you told me to do... I created a blog for myself! I have been "secretly" working on it for about two weeks and, as of the date of this post, I finished the set-up. Are you shocked?

Now, you're probably wondering why I didn't just tell you about it but, I thought it would be much more "fun" this way. I wanted you to accidentally discover it when you noticed the "Lady (Bug)" link on your dashboard and/or blogrolls. I actually envisioned in my mind that you would notice the unfamiliar name and then ask yourself... "Who the hell is this? I don't know nobody named Lady (Bug)!" At that point, I knew that you would have to click on the link to satisfy your curiosity. Well, was I right (smile)? And, just in case you didn't notice, I also added myself as one of your followers. So, check your dashboard... you should find me among your followers and this post should be appearing there as well!

Just so we're clear, I have no intention of blogging every day the way you do (smile). I simply do not have that much to say and my track record for readers and comments has been "dismal" at best. But, on those rare occasions when I might have something to write about, I suppose it does make more sense for me to have my own platform in which to do it. I also intend to keep The Booga Wooga blog going for the grandkids but, because the posts for that blog are not as frequent as they used to be, I can do something for my blog in the interim.

I will continue to edit your blog and post photos for you, just as I have always done. And, for the time being, I am not going out of my way to let anyone (other than you) know that I have this blog so, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't call attention it now. I would like to have some "alone time" with the blog so I can get used to writing posts and I'm content with letting people discover my blog whenever and however they discover it on their own. I'm in no great rush for "friends" or "comments". Remember, I'm not quite the social animal that you are... nor do I want to be. It's simply too demanding (smile)!

Finally, I don't know where I will be at the precise moment that you find my blog and this post but, I'm hoping that it will happen while we are sitting in the library together because I want to see the look on your face when you discover it. I'm sure it will be absolutely priceless! Thanks for the constant "badgering"... I had a really great time creating it because that's the part of blogs/blogging that I love the most. Now comes the hard part (at least, for me anyway)... writing posts. OMG! What have I done?

Wish me luck! Smile

* This post is for none other than my husband, "The Maverick Of All Bloggers!"


Keith said...

Let me be the first to welcome you to the Blogoverse! This is a very beautiful blog...Lots of Luck dear!

Lady (Bug) / Grammy said...

Thank you, dear!

Arlene said...


This blog is going to be terrific! I like the way you and Keith just talk. There's no sermonizing or hard-core language. You two share from your hearts first, then your heads. That's a combination that most writers struggle with. I'm hooked here, from just these words.

Watch your step!

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