Friday, July 29, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Alright now, let's get this party started right! Click on the image or text link underneath for more information. Also, visit the official DNC Philly website for all the goings-on in the city during this historic week. Welcome to Philly!
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Friday, July 15, 2016
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Yes, All Lives Should Matter...
But, Obviously They Don't!
This is an excellent read! They actually get it... even down to noticing how their friends have sympathy for every other tragedy that occurs except those associated with the loss of black lives. Every solider we can get in this fight for equality in our own country is welcome. Kudos to them and I hope more will see the light and join the struggle! Click on the image or text link underneath to read the article.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do?
Shaun King is a writer for the NY Daily News and he is calling attention to the fact that in America, there is a blatant double standard when it comes to forgiveness and race. Just like everything else in this country, the same 'unspoken rules' don't apply to everyone. However, let's take a moment to be clear about forgiveness.
As Christians, forgiveness is something that God expects all of us to do if we ultimately want to be forgiven ourselves. Most of us who are God-fearing know this, but there's one thing that everyone seems to forget about forgiveness. You need to REPENT and ASK for it. It's not something that is 'automatically' extended to us. When you do these things, God will be merciful and grant you forgiveness. I think it's pretty safe to say that most of us are still a 'work in progress' when it comes to our Christianity. As a result, forgiveness doesn't come easy and takes time for some situations. And, if we eventually choose to forgive someone for a wrong they have done toward us without them asking for it, it's usually because we allowed ourselves sufficient time to hurt, grieve, etc. and we've reached the point in which we NEED to forgive them in order to move on and become whole again.
Now, with that being said, I encourage you to click on the image or text link underneath and read Shaun's article. I agree with it and once again, this is just one more example of how race plays a part in EVERYTHING that is done, felt, spoken, and thought in America... even when it comes to forgiveness.
As Christians, forgiveness is something that God expects all of us to do if we ultimately want to be forgiven ourselves. Most of us who are God-fearing know this, but there's one thing that everyone seems to forget about forgiveness. You need to REPENT and ASK for it. It's not something that is 'automatically' extended to us. When you do these things, God will be merciful and grant you forgiveness. I think it's pretty safe to say that most of us are still a 'work in progress' when it comes to our Christianity. As a result, forgiveness doesn't come easy and takes time for some situations. And, if we eventually choose to forgive someone for a wrong they have done toward us without them asking for it, it's usually because we allowed ourselves sufficient time to hurt, grieve, etc. and we've reached the point in which we NEED to forgive them in order to move on and become whole again.
Now, with that being said, I encourage you to click on the image or text link underneath and read Shaun's article. I agree with it and once again, this is just one more example of how race plays a part in EVERYTHING that is done, felt, spoken, and thought in America... even when it comes to forgiveness.
Monday, July 11, 2016
#BlackLivesMatter Vs. #AllLivesMatter
Although his blog post is a little dated (December 2015), here's a black man and professor who made it through an unexpected encounter with police on his way to work and lived to tell about it. But, bare in mind that through the entire ordeal, he didn't know if he would live to see another day. And, as usual, the thread of comments that follow continue to prove that we have a long difficult road ahead when it comes to getting on one accord about this issue because some people 'get it' and others don't or won't. Now that you've seen several viral videos on the internet and across social media that show how easily a black man can loss his life at the hands of police, you are encouraged to click on the image or text link underneath to visit Steve's blog and read his the post, if you dare. Oh, and make sure you read the comments too. All I can say is, God help us...
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Friday, July 8, 2016
OMG! Are Your Serious? SMH...
May your souls rest in peace in the arms of the Lord.
I cannot believe we have to add 2 MORE NAMES* within a 24-hour period of time to the list of police shootings of Black Americans. Shame on you America for closing your ears, eyes, and mind to what is going on around you. Shame on you for being more concerned about Hillary Clinton's emails (and everything else under the sun) over human life.
What kind of country are we living in where a 4-year-child can sit in the back of a car and watch her stepfather murdered in cold blood by someone who is suppose to protect and serve? Then, that same 4-year-old child having to shoulder the enormous responsibility of being a voice of 'calm and comfort' to mom while they ride together in the back of a police van after such a horrific incident. Those 4-year-old eyes witnessed something that never should have happened. What affects one of us, should affect all of us. A nation divided cannot stand. We need to come together and work toward justice and resolution for this outrageous problem.
My heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the families of the victims in these most recent and senseless tragedies. I grieve and stand with you.
*Click on name links under the image for details regarding each incident.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Someone Who Dared To Speak The Truth...
Please take the time to watch this video I found on Facebook, then pray and stand with her, if YOU dare...
#BatonRougeShooting #BlackLivesMatter #EnoughIsEnough
Well, so much for police body cams and what are the consequences for not having them on? "If you have no interest in equal rights for black people, then do not make suggestions to those who do. Sit down." - Jesse Williams
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Political Humor & Satire
Well, if Donald Trump can run for president, I can too.
Click on image or this text link to watch my campaign ad!
Compliments of Conservative Clown Car on Facebook.
This should be nominated for animated political video of the year!
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
What did Shonda Rhimes say about the petition to fire Jesse Williams for his BET Awards speech? Well, click on the image above or this text link to find out!
Ms. Shonda has spoken on Twitter too! I love it! You go, girl! Swing that clout! Jesse said nothing wrong and he told the truth. Some people can't handle the truth!
Monday, July 4, 2016
Wawa Welcome America Celebration in Philly
July 4th Festivities on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway!
(click on images for a larger slideshow view)
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Attention Prayer Warriors...
Be one of a million standing for Jesus at the National Mall in Washington, DC on Saturday, July 16, 2016! Click on the image or hashtags underneath to visit the website for more information.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
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