Sunday, February 5, 2017

This Is Why A Liar Cannot Tarry In God's Sight (Part 2)

If anyone can extend an ounce of sympathy to Carolyn Bryant but can't find it in their heart to do the same for Emmett Till and his mother Mamie Till, who tried to seek justice for her son's murder until the day she died, you are definitely a part of what's wrong with America when it comes to the issue of racism. And, that's why it's 2017 and African Americans are still trying to get this country to understand that #BlackLivesMatter too. What Carolyn did was NOT okay on so many levels and before you give her a 'pass' because it happened a long time ago, watch this Time 100 video.

It's true that Emmett didn't die by Carolyn's hands. She didn't torture him and brutally beat him beyond recognition, then murder him. No, her husband and brother-in-law did those things and both of them died a long time ago. But, he definitely died because of her lying mouth--and for that, she will have to answer to God.

NOTE: Here's the link for my previous blog post,
This Is Why A Liar Cannot Tarry In God's Sight (Part 1)

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