Sunday, October 31, 2010

Devotion for the Day

"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands." - Deuteronomy 7:9

When God entrusted Moses with the task of leading His people out of bondage, the people kept forgetting that they had the strength of Lord on their side and continued to doubt Him throughout their journey in the wilderness. There were even people among the people who tried to encourage the masses to return to Egypt, and accused Moses of merely bringing them to the dessert to starve and die. They stressed that by returning to Egypt, they would have plenty of food, warm beds, and shelter. But as you know, they would also be returning to a life of bondage. When the people ultimately lost their faith completely and turned their backs on Him, God had enough and decided that they would not reach the promised land. So, the people continued to wander in the wilderness in circles for 40 years in an attempt to complete a journey that should have taken no more than one month, according to some religious scholars. God saved the victory of reaching the promised land for future generations because the people lost faith in Him. Does this remind you of anything going on in your life right now? Continue to hold on to the Master's hand and stay steadfast in the plan He has laid out for you. Keep pressing forward. No matter what anybody says, just keep pressing forward!

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