Thursday, June 20, 2024

💪🏾 Thanks For Everything, NovaCare

After 6 months of hard work, today was my 39th and last PT session for the right frozen shoulder and impingement at NovaCare in Bala Cynwyd. My range of motion is about 90% better and I've been told the rest should return in time with continued therapy on my own at home. Thank you to Kathryn (left) and Nicolette (right) for taking over my sessions after Matt, my original therapist, moved on to a new job at MLH Home Care & Hospice last month. Also, shout outs to Nadia, Max, and Tamika for filling in as needed. I appreciate the water bottle they gave me as a parting gift and it was so hot today, I started using it immediately. Last, but not least, special thanks to my hubby for his coaching and support every step of the way. I'm grateful to ALL for the teamwork!

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