Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Life's Simple Pleasures

I discovered this flavored tea last year and it has been a staple in my fridge ever since. I absolutely love it. But, I've had to do without it for quite a while because of "the big snow storm" that hit Texas, etc. 2 weeks ago. Since that time, every supermarket in my area has been out Gold Peak Teas. But, much to my surprise, I discovered that Coca-Cola distributes it and the trucks are behind in deliveries to certain areas of the country. 

Well, with all of the money I've saved over the last couple of weeks going without it, I should have enough to buy every bottle in the supermarket when they finally arrive. And, I just might do that because you never know. God forbid, this could happen again! LOL!

The hubby was kind enough to check the supermarket again on his run to Dunkin Donuts this morning, and I'm happy to report the Coca-Cola truck shipments finally made it to stores in our area. He didn't buy every bottle on the shelf, but he brought me enough to last for a while. Thank you, dear. Love you!

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