Monday, July 20, 2020

💜 I Loved Someone With Dementia Until The End

My personal #FaithJourney with mom down the road of dementia is over now. I am heartbroken but also relieved that her mental torment and physical anguish has finally come to an end. I'm thankful that God decided to call her home to be with Him so she didn't have to suffer anymore. It was a hard and tough road that no parent should have to travel alone, but I wouldn't wish the things we experienced on my worst enemies.

Mom specifically had Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), which is a beast that comes with a variety of symptoms—aggression, behavior disturbances, capgras syndrome, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, parkinsonism, and psychosis. She struggled with all of the symptoms and ultimately lost her ability to swallow, talk, and walk during the final stage of the disease. It was very difficult to watch her go through the latter phase in particular, and the entire process was like a nightmare we couldn't wake-up from.

Because I'm an only child, there were no siblings to share the load of caregiving. But, my hubby and daughter were very supportive from beginning to end, and I cannot thank them enough for everything they did to help. The level of care that was required would have been impossible to manage without their assistance. My father passed away in 2002 so I no longer have living parents, but until we meet again I take solace in knowing that they are back together now, and on the same day they got married 63 years ago in 1957.

R.I.P. to my beloved mother, first best friend, and queen of my life, who passed away yesterday on July 19, 2020. She was 88 years old, extremely independent, fiercely strong-willed, and so worth the journey. She would want you to know that she didn't go down without a fight, and she fought the beast with every ounce of mental and physical strength she had for as long as she could. Please keep our family in your prayers at this time.

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