Saturday, January 21, 2017

Take Note Republicans: U Give As Good As U Get!

"I listened as they called my President a Muslim (as if it were a bad thing). I listened as they called him a monkey. I listened as they said he wasn't born here. I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could. I saw the pictures of him as Hitler. I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn. I watched as they did just that. I listened and I watched and I paid attention. Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant. To move forward. To 'get over it'. To accept this... I will not.

I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be, as quickly as possible. I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country. I will vote. I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed in a loud and proud voice. Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can. Now, it's their turn to tolerate ridicule. Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day forward is now Trump's fault just as much as they thought it was Obama's. I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely unwilling to give. They will find no shelter here.

Yes, if it helps anyone, anywhere, please share."

Footnote: A few days after the presidential election, this comment was posted by Jeremy Mitchell on November 10, 2016 @ 9:14pm in response to a status on The Rachel Maddow Show Facebook page. The comment received 10,500+ likes and 1,000+ comments as of this writing. It has been altered, copied, and shared many times by others, but it appears on this blog the way Jeremy originally wrote it and links to it to prove it. I understand how he feels, so I'm sharing his comment as well. Now that the inauguration is over and Donald Trump is actually the president, Jeremy's comment is even more relevant than the day it was written. Apparently, President Trump and 'his' America have very short memories. Watch this video and revisit how they behaved after Obama won his second term of office in 2012. Two wrongs don't make a right, but the people in this video are in no position to tell anyone else how to behave now! 

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