Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Invisible Children" - KONY 2012!

I actually watched the KONY 2012 video and yes, he must be stopped! Joseph Kony is capturing, molesting, and mutilating African children in Uganda! Watch the video, share w/ your friends, sign the pledge of support, get the action kit, sign-up for "TRI" to donate a few dollars a month, and join the army for peace! Visit the official website "Invisible Children" (see link  under video) for more information. Here are some well-known people already involved in this effort, and some of them just might surprise you:

Celebrities: Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, Lady Gaga, Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Gates, Jay-Z, Justin Bieber, Rick Warren, Ellen Degeneres, Ben Affleck, Rhianna, Stephen Colbert, Warren Buffett, Taylor Swift, Ryan Seacrest, Tim Tebow, Rush Limbaugh, Bono.

Policymakers: George W. Bush, Condolezza Rice, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, John Boehner, Kay Granger, Mitt Romney, Stephen Harper, Ban Ki-Moon, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Patrick Leahy.

Other ways to spread the word and stay informed:

Like "Invisible Children" on Facebook:

Follow "Invisible Children" on Twitter:

Watch "Invisible Children" videos on YouTube:

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