Monday, November 23, 2009

Are You Addicted To Facebook?

I must confess that I've always have been a big fan of NBC10 news here in Philadelphia. I love the way they report the news and, in my opinion, no other local news station does more to keep us informed. And, the NBC10 Investigators are simply the best! Recently, the test below was featured on their website to help people determine whether or not they are addicted to Facebook. Check it out... you might be surprised at the outcome. Good luck!

The FAT Test

How do you know if you’re already addicted or rapidly tumbling toward trouble? The Facebook Addiction Test (FAT) is the first validated and reliable measure of addictive use of the Facebook. FAT is a 20-item questionnaire that measures mild, moderate, and severe levels of Facebook addiction. To assess your level of addiction, answer the following questions using this scale:

1 = Rarely.
2 = Occasionally.
3 = Frequently.
4 = Often.
5 = Always.
Does Not Apply

1. How often do you find that you stay on Facebook longer than you intended?

2. How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time on Facebook?

3. How often do you prefer the excitement of the Facebook to intimacy with your partner?

4. How often do you form new relationships with fellow Facebook users?

5. How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you spend Facebook?

6. How often do your grades or school work suffer because of the amount of time you spend on Facebook?

7. How often do you check your email before something else that you need to do?

8. How often does your job performance or productivity suffer because of Facebook?

9. How often do you become defensive or secretive when anyone asks you what you do on Facebook?

10. How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with soothing thoughts of Facebook?

11. How often do you find yourself anticipating when you will go on Facebook again?

12. How often do you fear that life without facebook would be boring, empty, and joyless?

13. How often do you snap, yell, or act annoyed if someone bothers you while you are Facebook?

14. How often do you lose sleep due to late-night log-ins on Facebook?

15. How often do you feel preoccupied with Facebook when offline, or fantasise about being on Facebook?

16. How often do you find yourself saying “just a few more minutes” when on Facebook?

17. How often do you try to cut down the amount of time you spend Facebook and fail?

18. How often do you try to hide how long you’ve been on Facebook?

19. How often do you choose to spend more time on Facebook over going out with others?

20. How often do you feel depressed, moody, or nervous when you are offline, which goes away once you are back on Facebook?

Score & Results

After you’ve answered all the questions, add the numbers you selected for each response to obtain a final score. The higher your score, the greater your level of addiction and the problems your Facebook usage causes you. Here’s a general scale to help measure your score:

20-49 points: You are an average Facebook user. You may surf Facebook a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.

50-79 points: You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of Facebook. You should consider their full impact on your life.

80-100 points: Your Facebook usage is causing significant problems in your life. You should evaluate the impact of Facebook on your life and address the problems directly caused by your Facebook usage.

For immediate help, visit your local counseling services which can provide affordable and confidential assistance or review the array of books and tapes on Facebook addiction to learn more. Visit the Facbook Addiction Disorder Group to see more about the quiz.

So, did you answer all of the questions honestly? If so, what was your score? Of course, you don't have to tell me and you should know that I haven't taken the test myself yet... but, I intend to as soon as I finish this post. I already know that I'm NOT addicted to Facebook because I can get off of it anytime I want to and I'm sure my test score will confirm that fact. I know what you're thinking though... that statement is a sure sign of addition, right (smile)? Well, we'll see!

In addition, I encourage you to click here to find numerous links to other Facebook topics of interest on the NBC10 website. The topics are ongoing, the list of links is endless, and you might want to check back from time to time to stay current. The world of Facebook can be fascinating and fun but, beware... there are some important things about it that you might not know (i.e. "You Post It, Facebook Owns It"). Long live "The Book"!

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