Tuesday, March 26, 2019

It's A Different World

Things Millennials (Born 1981-1996) Are Killing

1. Starter Homes: They are buying homes they plan to stay in for a while.
2. Cable TV: Thanks to Smart TVs and streaming, they don't really need cable TV. 
3. Marriage: A lot of them are waiting much longer before taking that plunge. Most are still living with parents or grandparents. 
4. Beer: They sip wine and don't prefer to drink beer that much.
5. Casual Dining Out: Thanks to GrubHub and other websites that deliver food, a casual dining experience is becoming few, far, and in-between.
6. Golf: They are not interested in it like dad. 
7. Cereal: They don't like it because they have to clean the bowl after eating it.


Toni said...

Are you kidding me? That last one though They don't like eating cereal because they have to clean the bowl! shaking my damn head...

Hi Bartramite...I'm Bartram, Class of 78..We've talked before..I read your husband's blog, Escapades!

Lady (Bug) / Grammy said...

Hello Toni: You had the same reaction that I did to #7 about the cereal! After I read it, I said are your serious?

Watch your step!

This household is protected by Ladybug Home Security.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord...

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Thank you President Obama for 8 great years!

Household Humor, Rules, and Membership

Deviant Art: "Cho & The Ladybug" By Cypherx

Virgo Rules in This Household!