Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Old School Friends

We need to breakdown the "Friendship Codes" for some young ladies because clearly, there are too many of them going missing and getting killed nowadays. Listen up, this is how we "Old Schoolers" roll...

* Code 1: We leave together, we stay together, and we come back together. NO, you're not leaving with some RANDOM guy and NO, I'm not leaving you at the party by yourself!

* Code 2: Both of us can't be totally drunk (really, neither of us should be) because at least one of us needs to be alert and aware of our surroundings!

* Code 3: If you have to go to the bathroom or outside, we're ALL going to the bathroom or outside. Period!

* Code 4: We don't accept drinks from strangers unless we're at the bar where we can watch the bartender pour them!

* Code 5: If I feel like you're too drunk to function, we're leaving the party early and we'll fuss about you messing up the night later!

* Code 6: If you just so happen to go missing, I will give you a maximum of 15-30 minutes to show up before I shut the place down and we're ALL going to be looking for you. Somebody else can call the police because I'm NOT going home without you!

* Code 7: If you're fighting, it better be one-on-one or we're all fighting. Hopefully, nothing jumps off because we're too classy and we're ladies!

* Code 8 & The Golden Rule: The drop-off person checks in or everyone who drove checks in after they get home. If we don't hear from you, we're coming to your house!

This is how we were raised so we would know how to look out for each other. Please copy and repost this because the generations of young ladies behind us got the codes all messed up and it could save a life! #DareToCareRepost

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