Monday, September 14, 2020

Family Keepsakes

Yesterday, we took one of our trips over to mom's house to check on things, pick-up mail, etc. While I was looking around the living room, the "ship clock" on the mantle caught my eyes... that's the name I gave it 60 years ago when I learned how to talk.

It looks like any old clock but for me, it now symbolizes the one thing in the house that I can remember as far back as I remember my parents. Many things wore out and were replaced over the course of our years there as a family, but not the "ship clock".

I remember it moved into the house with us in 1967 from the North Philly apartment where we lived. I was always fascinated with the little black button you could push down on, and the "ship holes" would light up red and white. The lights eventually burned out, but the clock still works without missing a beat to this day.

When I was a little girl, I never imagined that a time would come in which my parents would be gone and the "ship clock" would still be here. But, life is short and time marches on...

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