Sunday, March 15, 2020

COVID-19: What Would Jesus Do?

The following is a message and checklist from a Christian friend that I believe will resonate with people of all faiths...

With all of the warnings for the need for social distancing, the run on many items at grocery stores, the closure of schools, the cancellation of events, the loss of income for so many people, the sheer lack of any predictability of how long and how bad this different way of life is going to last, what is beginning to sink in for me is how much help lots of people will need and how many people are already on the front lines every day taking risks to continue to do their jobs that protect us... doctors, nurses, firefighters, police, etc.

Christians should be on the front lines of helping and encouraging, not contributing to shortages or xenophobia or misinformation. Right now, more than ever, we need to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Below is an excellent checklist for followers of Jesus in the midst of this unpredictable and uncharted time in our world.

1. ____ I’ve checked on one local elderly friend to let them know I’m willing to make a grocery run to keep them out of crowds and offer assistance (if needed) as the virus passes through my area.

2. ____ I’ve donated to a local organization that stands ready to assist the helpless in my community if a crisis escalates locally.

3. ____ I’ve donated to an international organization that cares for orphans in a country in which COVID-19 has run rampant.

4. ____ I’ve contacted at least one out-of-town friend to ask if they need me to mail any sort of supplies that are available in my area.

5. ____ I’ve reached out to at least one family with an immune-compromised member to let them know I’m praying and ask if I can buy groceries for them as the virus passes.

6. ____ I’ve evaluated my own motives, preparation, and behavior to make sure I’m not likely to add complexity to my community resources.

7. ____ I’ve continued to invest in my local and national economy.

8. ____ I’ve found ways to resist fear-based racism in my daily conversation about the virus.

9. ____ I’ve expressed gratitude and respect for at least one public official who is walking into the face of the virus for the good of others.

10. ____ I’m praying daily for God to use my hands, feet, words, and life to serve others.

Feel free to share this message and checklist.

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