Thursday, September 19, 2019

I'm 61 and That's Okay!

I was young once and to all of my female friends 50 years old and up, most of us are grandparents and going through the next phase of our lives now. We're at that age when we see wrinkles, gray hair, and extra pounds. We see the cute 25-30 and even 40 year olds and reminisce. But, we were also 25, and they will be our age one day. We aren't the "girls in their summer clothes" anymore. What they can bring to the table with their youth and zest, we can bring with our experience and wisdom. We have paid bills, raised families, ran households, survived diseases, endured sadness, cared for aging parents, and dealt with everything else life has assigned us. Some of us have lost loved ones who were near and dear to us. We are survivors... we are warriors...we are women... like a classic car or a fine wine. Even if our bodies are not what they once were, they carry our souls, our courage, and our strength. We entered this chapter of our lives with grace, humility, and pride over everything we have been through and should never feel bad about getting older. It is a privilege that is denied to so many. Ladies, I encourage you to copy and proudly paste this post with your picture and age.

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  • I guard my online relationships.
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  • I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life.
  • I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life.
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Household Humor, Rules, and Membership

Deviant Art: "Cho & The Ladybug" By Cypherx

Virgo Rules in This Household!