Monday, May 6, 2019

Prayer of the Day

A Prayer For The Tormented Soul By Matthew Johnson

Here my prayer, O God, attend unto my cry while my lips tremble and my soul breathes out the sigh. Is it truly You - you alone, my strong defense, my rest, my desire, even though my heart beats wildly in my breast?

Where can I escape from the enemies of right? When my mind is clouded and grace is far from sight? Darkest nights, falling upon me with unrelenting power. My heart-longing only for lighted grace - even this hour.

In shades of gray, my head is confused and torn. Between good or evil, my heart is grieved and worn. How can I know the right, will I live for His determined glory? Or to man’s wisdom will I turn in fear, trying to write my own futile story?

That story, foolish and arrogant, a call to heed temporal voices sits upon me with false wisdom - calculating trust in human choices. O bear me up though I be tempted to live with sinful determinations. Salvage me from earthly folly which certainly assures evil devastation.

Save me, is my prayer - though heart, and mind, and will are wretched; deliver me, my one desire, knowing my name into your palm is etched. Grant me mercy to abhor myself and repent in dust and sorrow, and to rest alone on your promise of the eternal tomorrow.

For your word alone lights the pathway darkened by sin. Joy and wisdom are only found if a divine word enters in. I will rejoice in your good news, recalling truth - you were crushed to pay it all, no condemnation, troubled soul - now be hushed!

Your Redeemer draws close, no more anxiety or fear. He alone will bear you up, wiping away the painful tear. None but Jesus cares for your soul’s demise; turn to Him, glorious, merciful, and all-wise.

Wisdom for this hour comes only through the Sovereign’s will, His heart, His smile, His providential glance bids my soul, be still. His grace, His faithful mercies, tender and always undeserved; promise me peace and hope and eternity already reserved.


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