Monday, April 25, 2011

Kashmere Stage Band (aka Thunder Soul)

I want to get the word out about an independent film preview I saw recently. I don't know if you're familiar with the Kashmere Stage Band (KSB) out of Kashmere High School in Houston, TX back in the '70s, but there's a film called "Thunder Soul" that tells their story and it's scheduled to be released in theaters this fall. Below you will find the film synopsis and various links related to the band and/or film. It's already won several film festival awards and the credits indicate that it’s being presented by Jamie Foxx.

Many times, independent films that we've never heard of are nominated and walk away with Oscars. I'm hoping this one will do the same. A similar film was released several years ago about the infamous "Funk Brothers", who played behind all of those great Motown records that we grew up on. If memory serves me correctly, the film was nominated for an Oscar but didn't win.

If you're so inclined after seeing the preview, spread the word about "Thunder Soul" to people you know who might appreciate the era, music, and story enough to go and see it upon release. Let's support this film so it can receive a nomination too… or even better, win an Oscar this time!

Thunder Soul Synopsis & Links

Musical history was made in the 1970s at Kashmere High School in Houston, TX. Band leader, Conrad "Prof" Johnson, turned the school's jazz band into a legendary funk powerhouse. In 2008, his students reunited and paid tribute to the 92 year old band leader. Some hadn't played their horns in decades, but they were determined to show him and the world that "they still got it!" Release Date: September 23, 2011.

Official Website:

Preview on Moviefone:

"Like" the film on Facebook:

"Follow" the film on Twitter:

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