Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Prayer For Someone Special...

Dear Father in Heaven,

I come before Your throne of grace on behalf of someone special who is absent from their family circle. I know You are present everywhere; I know that You are also present wherever they are now. But I would pray You today, to let that special someone feel Your sustaining presence if they are in strange surroundings. Protect them when harm and danger threathen their body and soul; be close to them in every way. Let Your Word be a lamp to their feet and light their path. Increase their faith and trust in You and in Jesus Christ, our blessed Savior. Though they may be far from their family in the body, keep them close in spirit and united by a common faith in You. At the appointed time, grant them a happy reunion with their family and may every member of that family have a place in the company of the saints in glory everlasting. Hear this prayer for Jesus' sake...


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