Monday, January 25, 2010

Do You Know What To Do?

When you are in sorrow, call
John 14

When people have failed you, call
Psalm 27

When you want to be fruitful, call
John 15

When you have sinned, call
Psalm 51

When you are worried, call
Matthew 6:19-34

When you are in danger, call
Psalm 91

When God seems far away, call
Psalm 139

When your faith needs stirring, call
Hebrews 11

When you are lonely and afraid, call
Psalm 23

When you grow bitter and cynical, call
I Corinthians 13

When you want to know the secret to happiness, call
Colossians 3:12-17

When you need an understanding of Christianity, call
II Corinthians 5:15-19

When you feel down and out, call
Romans 8:31

When you want peace and rest, call
Matthew 11:25-30

When the world seems bigger than God, call
Psalm 90

When you want Christian assurance, call
Romans 8:1-30

When you leave home for labor and travel, call
Psalm 121

When your prayers grow narrow or selfish, call
Psalm 67

When you are presented with an opportunity, call
Isaiah 55

When you want courage for a task, call
Joshua 1

When you want to get along with other people, call
Romans 12

When you are depressed, call
Psalm 27

When your wallet is empty, call
Psalm 37

When you want to feel secure, call
Psalm 121:3

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sister for these call numbers. I just read the Romans 8 scripture and I thank you (and my students thank you) for the impact of scripture on the human mind (mine, in particular.) I'm printing this and placing it on my office wall.

    Joy and blessings from God!


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