Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday To My Grandson!

Grammy Loves You!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Roller Coaster Project

My grandson has always loved trains and actually, I think he likes anything that runs on a track because he has an affinity for trollies too. But, in recent months, he added roller coasters to the mix! Now, he will tell you if you ask him that he doesn't want to ride on one, but he loves looking at them. He especially likes to watch them on YouTube, and he knows how to type the words 'roller coasters' in the search box to bring up the video links himself. So, me and Pop-Pop decided to get him the K'NEX Thunderbolt Strike Roller Coaster Building Set for Christmas and we discovered a little over a week ago that it was still in the box. So, this past weekend, he came to our house with it for a 'Just Me' sleepover and the three of us made this roller coaster thing happen.

This project was quite a challenge because the building set is 893 pieces and it took us two days to complete. Of course, our brains were 'fried' by the time we were done, that's for sure... but, the smile on my grandson's face when it was all over made it well worth the time. Even though it took quite a while to build, we had a ball and my grandson was very patient during the entire process. I think he actually 'got it' that it was a lot of pieces and work to put together, and that helped. And, it also feels good to know that Grammy's still got it, and Pop-Pop too! Mission accomplished! 2TU!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's 2014!

From The Lady (Bug) of the Household